25 Aug Initiative – Dirty Jobs, Somebody’s Gotta Do It – September 2018
Life App: Initiative – seeing what needs to be done and doing it
Theme: Dirty Jobs, Somebody’s Gotta Do It
Date: September, 2018
We are prepping for September, my favorite month of the year! Read about that HERE.
As we get ready for this month’s theme, we drew inspiration from all of the awesome comments on the 252 Kids Partner Page on Facebook. Our greatest inspiration came from a photo someone shared of their previous Dirty Jobs themed set.
We were looking for a WOW factor and thought the idea of a trash truck or industrial type trash compactor – center stage would be terrific!
You could say we are copying their design, but I like to think of it as collaborating. That’s what this blog is all about after all – sharing ideas and learning from one another. So, this month – I am extra grateful. I learned from others who shared their plans and had already done great things with this theme!
I love the team of volunteers I get to work with each month as we design new sets! They are so motivated and excited about this work and they come up with some of the most amazing ways to take what is in my brain and make it come to life. I shared the photo above with them and before I knew it, they were coming up with ways to translate it to our stage.
In addition, we saw an awesome post on the same Facebook page mentioned above, about take-home punch cards for parents to catch their kids showing initiative at home. One of our volunteers used the 252 artwork package and created cards for us to copy, cut, and share each week. The kids will get a punch card every Sunday of the month and they can bring it back (fully punched hopefully) the following week. They’ll be kept and displayed on boards on stage – one for girls and one for boys. This will help us keep track of who is winning – or should I say – showing more initiative each week. 😉
The best part about this month’s set is that we are using the half pipe we created for our summer series and turning it into the trash truck/garbage shoot. I wish I could tell you how, but my brain couldn’t really wrap around how this would be done structurally. Luckily our team leader has a vision for it and his visions always come out awesome! Suffice it to say, I’ll be posting pictures as we work on it! Here are a few from our first build night. We couldn’t get too far with the half pipe because we still need it for this Sunday’s AMPED set, but next week – it will be cut in half, turned upside down and repainted to create an amazingly fun trash compactor of some sort!
In addition, we’ll have pipe structures on either side of the trash compactor along with signs, buckets, push brooms, trash cans and of course – trash!
Our Plans
Here is where we are headed this month:
- Black backdrop (5 insulation foam panels painted black)
- Trash compactor/truck center stage (repurposed from our summer theme’s half pipe)
- Plumbing pipe structure on either side of the trash compactor – made from PVC pipes
- Various signage (purchased online)
Large signs that match the 252 Kids-Blank Initiative Graphic
- There will be two signs and instead of saying Initiative across the top – one will say Boys and one will say Girls
- We’ll use yellow craft foam and black paint with stencils to paint the words Boys & Girls
- These will hang on either side of the trash compactor from the pipe structure
- We’ll pin the Initiative punch cards on them each week to keep track of who is winning
- Trash cans, buckets, push brooms, mops and lots of trash will also be displayed around the stage
We had our first build night this week and our second one will be Thursday of next week. That’s where we’ll put it all together and be ready for our first Sunday in September. Look for a post with our finished product then!
What are you all planning for September’s Dirty Jobs?