08 Oct Registration for OC16 Opens Today!
My Favorite Week of the Year!
Oh, how I love the Orange Conference. I look forward to going every year. I am always inspired, challenged, refreshed – and I always laugh a lot. It is such a great opportunity to get away, pause from the hectic pace of ministry, think, dream, and learn. I’m in the midst of a series about my journey with Orange over the years, but this journey would be incomplete without mention of the fun-filled days at the Orange Conference. Plus – as someone who has a passion for creating environments, I am always blown away by what Orange does to transform the Infinite Energy Center (formerly known as the Gwinnett Center) each year. From the main stage, to the store, to their gallery – creativity and beauty abound! Check out the pics below from previous Orange Conferences I’ve attended.
Orange Conference 2016
Think about it. Will what happens in your church on Sunday matter in someone’s life on Monday? MONDAY is when reality hits. MONDAY is when Sunday is tested. MONDAY is when faith has to work. So WHAT IF what you do every Sunday could matter more if you remember what really matters to most people on Monday? This will be the focus of The Orange Conference 2016.
The Orange Conference provides a place for YOUR ENTIRE MINISTRY TEAM to start connecting together in a way that will matter every week. That makes it easier to build a ministry that connects kids with a COMPREHENSIVE PLAN from zero to college. Make plans now for you and your team to head to the Orange Conference.
If you register today you’ll save $80 off regular pricing and get Insider First Access to Breakouts! This offer only comes along once a year! www.TheOrangeConference.com
Here’s a peek at what you can expect at the Orange Conference:
I hope to see you there!