11 Oct Our Set Design Timeline
In a previous series of posts entitled System Overhaul (Parts 1-4), I talk through the creation of a set design team and the process we developed for creating our monthly sets. Below, is the timeline that was referenced in Part 4. We follow this plan each month to ensure everything gets done.
The Timeline
4 weeks prior to the new month:
- Post graphics, “Get Ready”section from 252 prelude, and Pinterest board to our private Facebook Group
- Begin brainstorm for new month
3 weeks prior to the new month:
- Key leaders meet with me to “land the plane” on all of the ideas
- We discuss what was brainstormed and come up with a final concept
- We create shopping lists, to-do lists, and assign tasks to prepare for first build night
2 weeks prior to the new month:
- Shopping and gathering of supplies for build nights
- Build Night #1 (initial build):
- A list is posted on chart paper of tasks to be completed so everyone can see the plan and there is no one standing around waiting for a job/task
- Items are crossed off as they are completed so everyone is on the same page
- Usually, any painting that needs to be done is completed here so it will be dry for the following week’s build night
Week of the new month:
- Build Night #2 (final build):
- Striking of current set (from previous month)
- Assembly/construction of pieces that were created the week prior
- Accessorizing and details added
*We use insulation foam for our backdrops. We keep two sets of backdrops (5 pieces each) and some extra odd-sized pieces of foam board available at all times. This allows us to paint a full backdrop on Build Night 1, when the current month’s set still needs to stay in place. See photos below (orange backdrop in place one more week, while blue backdrop for following month is being painted).
*Once these extra pieces/backdrops have dried, we store them behind the current set in a sheet metal tracking system we’ve developed to hold the foam board. See photos below (3 tracks across top and bottom that hold 8’insulation foam boards).
Thinking back to when we did not have this timeline or a system in place for creating sets makes me cringe. I can’t believe how I used to go about getting things done. I’m so grateful for the team I get to work with and for the process that’s in place. It allows us all to breathe and stay sane while creating irresistible environments for kids to come and learn about their Savior Jesus!
Do you have a system you use for building sets each month?