02 Nov Wisdom – Cache In On Wisdom – November 2013 – Part 2: Finished Product!
Stuck With the Plan!
This is the first month in a while that we actually stuck pretty close to what we originally brainstormed. Usually (and inevitably), we have these great plans and then we get to execution/creation and something goes wrong or we’ve underestimated what it would take to complete a part of the set, or we haven’t thought something all the way through… and well, you know the drill… things get changed!
But, this month we were actually able to carry out everything that we planned! The only thing we talked about doing that we did not do, was add the white taped lines in a grid formation on our backdrop. We felt like the set was complete without them and since we are using the Life App Graphic as our main slide in our Large Group production all month, the grid effect would be seen on our side screens. So, that’s it. Not much more to tell, but you can see our finished set for the month of November in the gallery below.
Next Week’s Showcase
I’ve already received photos of November sets from 3 different churches and cannot wait to showcase them next week. If you want me to include yours, be sure to send them my way, either by sharing them here or by uploading them to our Facebook page. Be sure to include any notes about how you came up with your ideas or how you created your environment! Can’t wait to see what’s out there!