02 Jan Knowledge – Brain Games – January 2017; Our Process
Life App: Knowledge—learning something new so you can be better at whatever you do.
Theme: Brain Games- Know More, Do More
Date: January 2017
What a Team!
I am so grateful for the team of people that have stepped up to work on our environment each month. I could not be more thankful for them than this past month! It is always difficult to create a set between Christmas and New Years. Many people are out of town, on vacation, etc. This year, I was taking some vacation time as well, to be with my family. In addition, we changed gears with our set design plan about four days prior to construction and had to come up with a brand new plan. Read about that here. None-the-less, my set design team showed up and did an amazing job as always.
Breakin’ It Down
Sometimes, the worst part of our set construction process is the breakdown of the previous month’s set. That was very much the case for us this month because our Jingle Jam set from December was intricate. It was a big set with walls, doors, flats, and a lot of decor and props. I was unable to be at Day 1 of this month’s set construction (where break down usually takes place) but when I arrived on Day 2, every bit of Jingle Jam had been taken down, packed away and transported to our offsite storage. In addition, the January set was underway. I was so grateful. Usually, it takes me the entire week to make this happen and this team had it done in one day.
In addition, they had gotten a great head start on the construction of January’s set so we only had a few things to finish on Day 2.
***Moral of the story – do your best to recruit a team of people to help you with environment/set design. Read about my journey in building our team here.
Here is a peek at what our awesome team worked on for January’s set design:
Final set has a few game boards on each side of the backdrop and various games set up around the stage. Look for those pics in our Finished Product post.