05 Jan Fellow Procrastinators – This Is For You!
Last Minute Magee…
That was a “nickname” my mom had for me growing up. Yes, since my earliest days, I was a procrastinator. I was the kid who told my mom I needed poster board for a project that was due the next morning – at 10 pm the night before! I have worked hard on changing that about myself. In some realms of my life I’ve improved but every once in a while, that 2nd grade girl shows up and sends my life into a tailspin for a few days as I work to get a project done.
She (that 2nd grade girl) showed up in the planning and preparation of our January environment. I’m feeling very grateful today because somehow, I was able to get it all done and our first Sunday of 2015 went off without a hitch, but it wasn’t without some crazy days leading up to Sunday.
Yes, I CONFESS – I did not plan ahead (AT ALL) this past month. Christmas took over my life, my husband was home on vacation during the holidays, and my daughters where both home from school, so I put things aside and said I would get to them after Christmas. Well, after Christmas turned into last Monday and I finally opened my curriculum and began reading what the month was all about (and planning what our set would look like). UGH!
While I was able to get it done and I really like the way it turned out – I do not recommend this method! Here’s why:
- When it’s Thursday and the projector you use to enlarge images (like the Treble Clef you had planned to use as your center point for your focal wall) stops working, you need a new plan and now you are only 3 days away from launch!
- At 1:00 am on Friday night (2 nights before launching the new life app) when your Cricut’s sticky mats are all used up and you can’t cut letters – Michael’s is not open! You can’t go get new mats and therefore, you can’t move forward with your project.
- You don’t sleep well because you know you still have so much to do.
- You eat a lot of junk (or don’t eat at all) because there is not time to make a nutritious meal.
- You probably aren’t too nice to the people you love because you feel a bit stressed about all that still needs to be done!
I could continue my list, but you get the idea. Last minute planning and preparation is never a good thing and even though I am an “adrenaline junkie” and love to procrastinate, I am learning as I get older that it is definitely not a good thing for me (or the wonderful people in my life). Next month – I get back on track with our regular planning/preparation routine!
I will be posting our process and photos of our January set this week, but until then – how about you? Are you a procrastinator or do you plan ahead? What does your process look like? I would love to hear your suggestions and comments, so jump into the conversation and share your thoughts below!