02 Apr Episode 1: Something New
I love set design! Obviously. I’ve created an entire blog and social media platform dedicated to it! I love creating irresistible environments that make kids want to wake their parents up for church on Sunday morning and run into the spaces we’ve designed for them!
But – my job as a children’s ministry leader involves more than creating sets. I lead a team of volunteers, work with curriculum, perform on stage, choreograph dance moves for worship songs, create events for families, etc… all the while somehow managing to keep track of and store props, materials, and resources in every nook and cranny of our church (and my home!). Being a leader in the local church has challenged me more than I could have ever imagined. It’s also helped me grow and develop my personal faith journey in ways I could have never dreamed. Leading in the local church has provided lessons I would not have experienced elsewhere and I am so very grateful for all that I have learned and continue to learn each day.
For a while now, I’ve wanted a place to share some of my “lessons learned” or experiences that didn’t exactly have to do with set design. With the current state of our world (being in the midst of a global pandemic and having to rethink how we do church while not meeting in person, let alone how we go about our daily lives) I thought – well, no better time than the present! As a result, I’ve decided to add a new feature to my blog that will hopefully help you as you lead your team and particularly as you navigate our ever-changing world.
In this “Beyond Set Design: Random Thoughts of a KidMin Leader” section of my blog, you will find just that. My random thoughts about what I’ve learned in leadership, what is happening in the world, how it’s affecting our church, my personal leadership, and just basic stuff that I hope will be helpful as you lead your teams. These posts will be marked by the same feature image each time, so you’ll be able to distinguish them from set design posts.
I hope you’ll grab a cup of coffee (tea, hot chocolate, or whatever your drink of choice might be) and let’s get to know one another outside of the sets we build. I welcome your comments and thoughts and look forward to expanding our conversations!
Ready. Set… ???