17 Sep Honor – Road to Glory – October 2013 – Part 1: Our Plan

Life App: Honor – letting someone know you see how valuable they really are.
Theme: Road to Glory
Date: October, 2013

Our Plan

We loved the ideas that 252 Basics suggested in the Get Ready section of Week 1. In addition, we are getting close to the end of our fiscal year, which means there is not much left in the budget! As a result, we are hoping to pinch pennies and create sets from a lot of what we already have. Thankfully, the theme for this month uses decor that can easily be borrowed since so many people have items like local sports team pennants, jerseys, equipment and the like.

Even still, we wanted our set to be purposeful and not look too junky. We were concerned that it could become a bit haphazard, so we tried to think about how we could incorporate whatever we are able to gather and use it intentionally to create a WOW type of environment. Here is what we came up with and where we are headed in the coming weeks:

We have 10-8 X 4 insulation foam panels for our backdrop. 2 of them are used for our Interactive Bible portion of our set, so that leaves 8 panels to create our stage design.

  • We plan to use each panel (or section of panels) to represent a sport that kids would most likely play. We also hope each sport will represent one of our local sport’s team. We’ve landed on 5 sports: Baseball (Orioles), Football (Ravens), Basketball (University of Maryland), Lacrosse (John’s Hopkins University) and Soccer (USA).
  • We plan to paint a corresponding field on the section of the backdrop for each sporting event. Here are our plans for each sport:
    • Baseball – we’ll use 2 panels and paint them green (field/grass green). We’ll use tan/brown paint to create a baseball diamond on top of the green and possibly white duct tape to tape off the foul lines, bases, pitcher’s mound, etc. We’ll hang Orioles memorabilia on this field/panel.
    • wood floorBasketball – we’ll use one panel and paint it black. Then we’ll use one box of laminate flooring pieces that resemble a wood floor, to create a basketball court. It will be 6′ X 4′ vertically and we’ll use red duct tape to create the foul line, sidelines, key, etc. We’ll hang a Nerf basketball hoop at the top of the court as part of the court itself.
    • Lacrosse/Soccer – we will use one panel for each. The entire panel will be painted field/grass green. Then we’ll use white tape to create the sidelines, goal boxes, arc/crease. We’ll hang sports memorabilia on each field that corresponds with that sport.
    • Football – the football section will be our focal wall.
      • Our center stage backdrop will consist of 3 of our panels. They’ll be painted black initially and then we will paint a field green football field horizontally across the three panels. It will be 12′ wide x 6′ high.
      • We’ll use white duct tape to create the  lines on the fields.
      • We will use the Cricut to cut out huge letters that say RAVENS. These will be taped or pinned in the end-zones.
      • We will have the theme graphic from 252 Basics (Road to Glory) printed on Photo Tex.
      • We will cut out the two sections and use the “Road to Glory” portion as our center field  emblem and the “Play the Game with Honor” section above the football field.
      • We’ll hang sports memorabilia and equipment on the field itself.
      • 100_4072The photo on the right is an example of what our focal wall will look like. This is a much smaller version (4’x8′) that we used for a volunteer training event. It was used as an oversized game board for a game we played with our ministry teams and went with our fall kick-off theme. Of course, it represented our beloved Ravens logo, transformed to go with our church name.

Our “Basket-Half-Pipe-Capture-the-Whiffle-Pong” game for the host will be set up in front of these fields and will utilize whatever equipment possible to go along with the corresponding field. For example, when the host gets to the baseball section, he’ll spin around with his forehead on a baseball/whiffle ball bat 5 times. When he reaches the soccer section, he’ll bounce a soccer ball on his knee 3 times and when he hits the basketball section, he’ll sink a ball in the Nerf basket affixed to the actual court.


  • Our current backdrop (10 insulation foam panels pre-painted black)
  • Field green paint
  • Painting supplies – rollers, drop cloths, etc.
  • Laminate flooring – one box (planked wood floor look)
  • Duct tape – red, yellow and white
  • Photo Tex of 252 Basics, theme graphic
  • Sports memorabilia (borrowed from people in our congregation)
  • Nerf Basketball Hoop
  • Whiffle Ball and bat
  • Sports equipment (borrowed from people in our congregation)

We’ll begin our process toward creating this set in the coming week. I’ll post pictures of the process as we go.

How about you all?

What are you planning as you create your sets for “Honor-The Road to Glory!”

Check out our new feature where you can share and discuss with others here.